Experiments are scheduled by the CCF Scheduling Committee following the sequence described here. Under exceptional circumstances an accelerated scheduling sequence may be possible, if the resources of the CCF allow this. All communications with users regarding scheduling of experiments proceed through the Manager for User Relations.
More than 6 months prior to envisioned experiment date-
- Scheduling and Safety Questionnaire received at NSCL. The NSCL's support level for experiments is based on this form.
- Agreement between spokesperson and NSCL on vault, setup, primary beam sequence, level of NSCL support is established through a layout review. The spokesperson should be present for the layout review, or designate a representative.
- "Ready-by" date established for NSCL support.
- Draft experimental schedule is made 6 months in advance
- Final schedule is published online here after all experiment ready-by dates are established
- A1900 Contact Person discusses detailed secondary beam sequence plan and A1900 configuration with spokesperson
- If applicable, complete and submit Request to Ship Radioactive Materials to/from the NSCL.
- A1900 configured for experiment
- All agreed-upon NSCL supported parts ready, DAQ account established (unless requested earlier in Questionnaire)
- Spokesperson of the experiment or a designee participate in the short-term scheduling meeting at 1:45 pm (Mon-Fri), by arrangement on the weekend. If the spokesperson is not available, the spokesperson informs the Manager for User Relations of a designee.