Contacts for Users

We strive to provide excellent support for every aspect of your experiment — prior to, during, and following your work at our facility. We invite you to contact Jill Berryman, Manager for User Relations, with any questions or requests that you might have.

Data acquisition: Giordano Cerizza
Safety Office, phone: 517-908-7123

A1900 Fragment Separator and Beam Transport

Beam Physicist Group

Beam Cooling and Laser Spectroscopy (BECOLA)

Kei Minamisono

Beta-nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus:            

Kei Minamisono

Beta counting system:

Sean Liddick

CAESium iodide ARray (CAESAR):

Alexandra Gade 

Digital data acquisition system:

Giordano Cerizza

Gamma-ray energy tracking array (GRETINA):

Dirk Weisshaar 

High resolution array (HiRA):

Bill Lynch

Low Energy Beam and Ion Trap (LEBIT)

Ryan Ringle

Low energy neutron detector array (LENDA):

Remco Zegers

Modular neutron array and large multi-institutional scintillator array (MoNA-LISA):

Thomas Baumann 

Neutron walls:

Bill Lynch

Neutron emission ratio observer (NERO):

Fernando Montes

Radio frequency fragment separator:

Tom Ginter

S800 spectrograph:

 Jorge Pereira

Segmented Germanium Array (SeGA):

Dirk Weisshaar 

TRIPLEX plunger device:

Hiro Iwasaki

Ursinus College liquid hydrogen target:

 Jorge Pereira


Antonio Villari

Summing NaI detector (SuN):

Artemis Spyrou

Sweeper magnet:

 Jorge Pereira

SEETF Beamline

Thomas Baumann