Daniel Bazin
The focus of my research is centered on the study of exotic nuclei and the most efficient ways to unravel their properties.
Faculty in experimental research at NSCL study a diverse set of topics related to the physics of rare isotopes. They use a wide variety of tools and techniques and perform experiments at NSCL and other facilities. Their research groups are also heavily involved in the development of state-of-the-art equipment for experiments at FRIB and work together closely with researchers from all over the U.S. and the world to make discoveries that further our understanding of nuclei and nuclear matter, give us a better understanding astrophysical processes and lead to novel societal applications.
All faculty in experimental research are listed below with a link to their profiles pages:
The focus of my research is centered on the study of exotic nuclei and the most efficient ways to unravel their properties.
Heavy-ion collisions to study the equation of state for nuclear matter and neutron stars; reactions to study nuclear structure near the drip lines.
Experiments that probe nuclear reaction dynamics: when, where, and how do nuclei interact when they collide with energies near to the fusion barrier?
Nuclear structure of rare isotopes, collectivity and singe-particle degrees of freedom, in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy, direct reactions, isotope discovery.
Structure of rare isotope along the neutron drip line; reaction mechanisms and role of the continuum in shell evolution of neutron rich nuclei.
Spectroscopy and lifetime measurement on exotic nuclei to investigate evolution of nuclear shell, shape, and halo structure as well as exotic modes of particle decays.
Evolution of nuclear shell structure, shape transitions, decay data for astrophysics, and digital pulse-shape processing.
Nuclear chemistry. Nuclear moments of rare isotopes studied through the hyperfine interaction using laser light.
Electromagnetic moments and charge radius for nuclear structure, and fundamental symmetries with precision laser assisted techniques.
Cluster structure and phase transitions in nuclei far from stability. Instrumental: active targets, Isla spectro, FRIB high power target and beam dump.
Production and Collection of Secondary Beams, fragment separator development, thermalization in gas, mechanisms.
Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model; precision measurements in nuclear beta decay.
Measurements of nuclear properties and model calculations to understand exploding stars, neutron stars, and the origin of the elements.
Developing chemical procedures to harvest and purify off-line radionuclides in order to expand the palette of research-ready isotopes at NSCL and FRIB.
Experiments related to nucleosynthesis in explosive stellar environments and study of nuclear structure along the neutron drip line.
Rare isotope production, structure of nuclei at the limits of existence, and radiation detector development.
Our group generates & detects spin polarized nuclei for tests of fundamental symmetries and studies atoms trapped in cryogenic solids.
Heavy ion collisions to study properties of nuclear matter and astrophysics & direct reactions to probe the structure of exotic nuclei.
Experimental nuclear astrophysics and fundamental symmetries; beta delayed proton and gamma decay; transfer reactions.
Spin-isospin response of nuclei of relevance for astrophysics, neutrino physics, giant resonances and evolution of nuclear structure.