NSCL Safety

NSCL relies on the cooperation of its users to conduct their activities in a manner that conforms to the environment, safety, health and security requirements of NSCL and MSU. NSCL will provide safety training of users to this end.

The Experiment Spokespersons assume line management responsibility for safety in their groups.

Spokespersons are responsible for ensuring group members receive required training for their work. Spokespersons acknowledge that NSCL and MSU have the authority to order a halt to activities that NSCL, MSU, or other entities with oversight responsibilities, deem unsafe or not in compliance with requirements.

Spokespersons will assign one or more members of their group as Safety Representatives.

Safety Representative(s) are person(s) assigned by the Experiment Spokesperson to represent the collaboration on safety and security matters.

The Safety Representative will assist NSCL safety staff by:

  1. serving as research group’s primary contact for safety and security communications from NSCL.
  2. becoming the group’s Emergency Action Team member within the structure of the NSCL Emergency Action Plan.
  3. ensuring that all members of the collaboration have completed the required safety training.
  4. coordinating dissemination of safety information over shift changes.
  5. assigning alternates when not present for shifts.
  6. coordinating checkout, use and security of radioactive materials and other hazardous materials; they will ensure that radioactive materials are returned for check in after their experiment.
  7. conducting periodic safety walk-throughs of their experiment setup areas prior to, during, and after experiments, and report to the NSCL safety staff any safety needs or concerns.
  8. reporting any safety concerns of the group to the NSCL safety staff.