Curriculum Vitae
MSU Physics
UW Physics
Yale Physics
SFU Physics
UVic Physics
UVic Philosophy
Christopher Wrede, Ph.D., Physics (Yale University, 2008)
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy and
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Michigan State University
640 S. Shaw Lane, Room 2018
East Lansing, MI 48824-1321, USA
(517) 908-7581
wrede at
Research Group
Nuclear Astrophysics
Structure and Symmetries
Instrumentation and Methods
Curriculum Vitae including publications
News and Media
Above: setting up the Gaseous Detector with Germanium Tagging (GADGET I) at NSCL prior to its successful commissioning run in May, 2018.
Above: first alpha-decay track from Rn-220 recorded by the Time Projection Chamber of GADGET II and plotted in January, 2022.
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Spring, 2025)
PHY 215: Thermodynamics and Modern Physics (Fall, 2024)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Spring, 2024)
PHY 215: Thermodynamics and Modern Physics (Fall, 2023)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Spring, 2023)
PHY 215: Thermodynamics and Modern Physics (Fall, 2022)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Spring, 2022)
PHY 215: Thermodynamics and Modern Physics (Fall, 2021)
PHY 440: Electronics (Spring, 2021)
PHY 215: Thermodynamics and Modern Physics (Fall, 2020)
PHY 440: Electronics (Spring, 2020)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Fall, 2019)
PHY 983: Nuclear Astrophysics (Spring, 2019)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Fall, 2018)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Fall, 2017)
PHY 983: Nuclear Astrophysics (Spring, 2017)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Fall, 2016)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Fall, 2015)
PHY 983: Nuclear Astrophysics (Spring, 2015)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Fall, 2014)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Spring, 2014)
PHY 440: Electronics (Spring, 2013)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Fall, 2012)
ISP 205: Visions of the Universe (Spring, 2012)
Page last updated 05/24/2024